Gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf
Gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf

This is the secret weapon of all high achievers: they define motivating purposes that help them maintain perfect focus. To find long-term focus and determination, you need to understand why you want something. When faced with a big project, most people are so driven to get started that they fail to realize how important good planning is for the outcome. Big Idea #1: Becoming a better agent means understanding the how, what and why of motivation.

gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf

Joyce Brothers is relevant because she was once an expert on psychological issues but became really popular when she started making appearances on TV shows like Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett. The four-minute mile relates to real estate agents because they both have a hard time being accepted at first. In this article, you’ll learn about the importance of sales leads.

Gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf how to#

The author will discuss how to turn a small real estate business into an empire. However, there are many other qualities that help make someone successful in real estate. To be a good salesperson, one must have certain personality traits and the ability to convince others. How was that experience? Did you get an inexperienced person who couldn’t convince someone to buy something? Or perhaps you had an experienced professional who could sell anything? If you have ever bought or sold a home, then you probably dealt with a real estate agent. 1-Page Summary of The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Overview

Gary keller millionaire real estate agent pdf